Our Solution
“The POST-SALE EXAM” (PSE) and Greater Transparency.
Eliminate the controversy surrounding the standard PPE (Pre-Purchase Exam)
We insist ALL of our Sellers agree to a PSE (Post-Sale Exam). It actually has benefits for BOTH the Seller and the Buyer!
The PSE occurs during a Four (4) Business-Day period that begins the day after the auction ends in which time the Buyer will have the Veterinarian or horse professional of the Buyer’s choosing come to the Seller’s site (wherever the horse is located) and perform and exam for SOUNDNESS*(see below) Horse MUST be Available and Accessible.
If the horse fails the exam for the specific criteria of UNDISCLOSED or MISREPRESENTED issues, then the Purchase can be Refused at the Buyer’s discretion and the full sale price money of the horse is returned to the Buyer.
If a Seller has honestly represented known issues of Soundness, Cosmetic, Behavioral, or Performance AND answered all inquiries of importance to Buyer, then there are NO Grounds for a Buyer’s Refusal of Purchase on those issues.
The sale money after the auction is held by Flat Fee Horse Auctions.
This PSE and related travel costs are non-refundable expenses of the Buyer.
Any Seller intentionally misrepresenting unsound horses will be BANNED from FlatFeeHorseAuction.com auction site at our discretion, their business name will be listed as BANNED on our site, and they may face legal action or fines.
PSE Soundness Check (and grounds for Refusal of Purchase):
STANDARD / OBJECTIVE criteria for Soundness whether claimed by Seller or not are still GROUNDS for ROP after the auction ends at the Buyer’s discretion.
These Objective criteria include: Laminitis, Founder, Osteoarthritis, Gastrointestinal Ulcers, Vision and Hearing deficiencies, Faulty Wind, Nerving, Cribbing, Weaving, Parrot Mouth, Testicular Issues, and Bone Disorders.
IN ADDITION to these, significant weight loss or the major Atrophy of muscle as compared to Auction Ad photo/video will be Objective GROUNDS for ROP based on photographic/video comparison.
Normal weight fluctuations are not considered Grounds for RoP.
SUBJECTIVE criteria can be grounds for Refusal of Purchase after the auction ends only IF Misrepresented by Seller in their ad OR after Buyer specifically requested proof and didn’t receive it or it wasn’t clear.
These Subjective criteria include: Blemishes, Scars, Brands, Mane/Tail length, Disposition, Unwilling to walk/trot/lope, Response to riding cues, Undisclosed successful surgical procedures, Non-existent Registration Papers (if horse is marketed as “Registered”.
These are ONLY GROUNDS for ROP if the Seller provided that info in their Auction Ad and/or the Bidder/Buyer ASKED for visual, verbal, or written proof of these conditions and the Seller’s response do NOT match up ON THE DAY of the PSE.
Reasonable judgement for cosmetic issues needs to be understood by both parties.
While most backyard/trail/ranch riders don’t care much about some blemishes, these issues are DEAL BREAKERS for those who compete in Shows, Parades, and such and this should be understood by all parties involved.
Sellers must provide Timely and Convenient ACCESS to horse and property for Veterinarian PSE exam, certs, X-rays, round pen/arena, lunge area, etc.
Our unique solution is fair and benefits both parties.
There has always been a TRUST issue with Sellers who provide a PPE or X-rays before the sale. Buyers doubt the veracity of the exam and often the exam ages out and is not current. With our system, the Seller doesn’t have to waste money or even think about the Buyer’s doubts. AND, the Buyer KNOWS the evaluation is ACCURATE and CURRENT!
Note: When the auction starts, It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for the Buyer to consider the travel arrangements and time to the horse’s location and to call Veterinarians or horse professionals in that area to ask about the lead time for a Purchase Examination, blood work, optional X-rays, and if there is a round pen or arena to run the horse. If you do win the auction, you will be ready to go during that Four (4) Business-Day Inspection Period! Of course, the Buyer doesn’t have to go the horse’s location if they trust the Vet or local horse professional to be there in their place.
HOWEVER, at the will of the Buyer, a Buyer and Seller have the right to communicate and come to another agreement regarding the terms of the PSE or the 4-Day Inspection timeframe BEFORE that Four (4) Business-Day Inspection Period is up. Examples: A Waiver of the PSE by the Buyer, Extension of the 4-Day Period agreed to by BOTH Buyer and Seller.
It will be understood that the Sale Price funds will not transfer until the PSE has been satisfied or declined by the Buyer. Flat Fee Horse Auction MUST BE NOTIFIED of any changes to the original agreement before the Four (4) Business-Day Inspection Period is up.
The Seller also has the right to waive the PSE entirely and assume all health risks.